How to install ============== *Mandyoc* installation is very simple and it consists of installing both `PETSc`_ and *Mandyoc*. .. warning:: The following installation steps work for both Linux and macOS machines **only** and no tests were made to install *Mandyoc* on Windows machines yet. .. _Dependencies: Dependencies ------------ To build *Mandyoc*, the following requirements are needed: * PETSc_ (currently tested on version v3.15.5) * gcc * make * git (recommended, but not strictly needed) If you do not already have a PETSc installation, you may need a Fortran compiler. Additionally, the following additional software is needed to run the examples that come with *Mandyoc*: * Python 3.5+ With required python packages: * numpy * matplotlib * pandas * jupyterlab To run the tests, some additional python packages are required: * pytest * numpy To build the documentation, further python packages are necessary: * sphinx * sphinx_rtd_theme PETSc Installation ------------------ *Mandyoc* requires the PETSc library to run. Check out the `PETSc installation`_ for details. .. note:: The following steps its a example installation with minimum requirements to run *Mandyoc*. **Requirements:** * ``CMake`` The first step is to **download** PETSc (v3.15.5) release from `PETSc website`_ or **clone** the repository into your machine. *Mandyoc* might work with latest release of PETSc, but this is not guaranteed since new versions might introduce breaking changes. Clone the repository to your desired location:: git clone -b v3.15.5 Second, **configure the PETSc build** and set up the installation directory. .. code-block:: bash cd path/to/petsc ./configure \ PETSC_DIR=/path/to/petsc \ PETSC_ARCH=arch-label-optimized \ --with-debugging=0 \ --with-cc=gcc \ --with-cxx=g++ \ --with-fc=gfortran \ --download-fblaslapack \ --download-mpich \ --download-mumps \ --download-scalapack \ --download-parmetis \ --download-metis .. note:: This example installation uses the ``gfortran`` compiler. You may use another Fortran compiler changing the ``--with-fc`` flag. It is also possible to configure PETSc without Fortran by using ``--with-fc=0`` and changing ``--download-fblaslapack`` to ``--download-f2cblaslapack``. .. note:: By default, *Mandyoc* uses direct solvers (LU and Cholesky) provided by `MUMPS`_. This requires additional external packages. Refer to `PETSc documentation`_ for further information. .. note:: If you want to build a development version of *Mandyoc* its recommended to build a **debug version** of PETSc by setting ``--with-debugging=1``. In this case, you may set ``PETSC_ARCH=arch-label-debug``. .. note:: If you prefer *openmpi*, you need to swith ``--download-mpich`` to ``--download-openmpi``. **Check** the installation with: .. code-block:: make all check Or follow the instructions that pop up on the terminal. For further information about the PETSc library, check out the `PETSc website`_. Finally, add a symlink of `mpirun` to `~/.local/bin`: .. code-block:: ln -s /path/to/petsc/arch-label-optimized/bin/mpirun ~/.local/bin/mpirun .. note:: Make sure the directory ``~/.local/bin`` exists, otherwise the above command will fail. You can create it by running ``mkdir -p ~/.local/bin``. *Mandyoc* Installation ---------------------- To install the *Mandyoc* in your machine, you need to **clone or download the latest release** of the code from the `Mandyoc repository`_. To clone the repository, navigate to the directory you wish to install *Mandyoc* and type: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd mandyoc Before to install Mandyoc, you mast *set an environment variable* which indicates the path to PETSc installation folder: .. code-block:: bash export PETSC_DIR=/path/to/petsc *Build Mandyoc* by running: .. code-block:: make all Next, *install Mandyoc* with: .. code-block:: make install By default, it will be installed in ``~/.local/bin``. .. note:: Make sure the directory ``~/.local/bin`` exists, otherwise the above command will fail. You can change the installation location setting ``INSTALL_PATH`` variable by running: .. code-block:: make INSTALL_PATH=/path/to/install/mandyoc install .. note:: To print *Mandyoc* runtime options, run mandyoc with ``-flags`` command line argument. **Check** Mandyoc installation with: .. code-block:: make test .. note:: You need python and some python packages to run the last commmand succesfully. Check out requirements in `Dependencies`_ section. Docker Container ---------------- We provide a `Docker container`_ image for *Mandyoc*. Docker is an implementation of container virtualization. Citing their documentation "it is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings". Visit the `Dockerhub Mandyoc repository`_ to find out more on how to use the container to run *Mandyoc*. .. note:: To use the *Mandyoc* docker image, it is required to install the Docker Engine. Find out more on `Install Docker Engine`_ page. Examples -------- The benchmarks and other experiments are located in the `examples `_ folder of the Mandyoc repository. Inside each example folder, you find a Jupyter notebook with detailed explanation and instructions on how to run the experiment. .. _PETSc: .. _PETSc installation: .. _PETSc website: .. _PETSc documentation: .. _Mandyoc repository: .. _MUMPS: .. _Docker container: .. _Dockerhub Mandyoc repository: .. _Install Docker Engine: